Join the California Solar Initiative
Join the California Solar Initiative (CSI) Program and Reap the Benefits of Government Rebates and Tax Credits. Federal, state and local government, as many governments around the world have for some time, now offer rebates and tax credits to encourage homeowners and businesses to install solar systems. These incentives often make solar electricity not only economically possible but profitable. California, in particular, has partnered with the utility companies to create various aggressive solar incentive programs to encourage homeowners and businesses to switch to solar power. The California Solar Initiative (CSI) is an exceptional one.
Utility Rebates
The amount of the rebate subsidy varies based on the date of filing of the request. The rebates continue to drop after each of their quotas has been met. The rebates available to you that directly apply to the cost of a new solar system have also continually been lowered as the costs of the systems have become more and more attractively. The utility rebates program rewards owners of solar systems for every watt installed (EPBB) and on a projection of every kilowatt per hour (kWh) of electricity produced for the first 5 years (PBI).
Federal Tax Credits
The most valuable incentive available with the installation of a new solar system is the federal tax credit. As an investment tax credit (ITC) you are allowed to take a direct tax credit of 30% of the overall cost of a new solar system or 30% of the costs of the upgrading of any existing system. This comes straight off of the taxes due on your return after you’ve taken advantage of any other tax deductions and tax credits. This tax credit can be taken in the current year of installation or roll-over to following years for the legal number of years allowable.
SunSolar Will Be Your Guide and Partner throughout the Process
Navigating through utility and government rebate programs and tax credits can often be daunting. Sun Solar will safely guide you through the process and insure you that maximize your benefits. We will minimize the hassle. SunSolar will directly and independently file all of the necessary paperwork needed for you to receive your maximum rebates and tax credit.